The world fastest 6502 computer Neo6502 Open Source Hardware is now is available as all-in-one PC with plastic box, LCD display, USB hub, four UEXT connectors, 12 GPIO extension connector, LiPo battery allowing 3 hours of operation without external power supply

Published: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:44 | Comments: 4
The world fastest 6502 computer Neo6502 Open Source Hardware is now is available as all-in-one PC with plastic box, LCD display, USB hub, four UEXT connectors, 12 GPIO extension connector, LiPo battery allowing 3 hours of operation without external power supply

Neo6502pc is open source software and hardware stand alone computer based on W65C02 processor and RP2040 co-processor with the following features: Software support includes: Apple ][, Apple ][e, Oric Atmos emulators made by Veselin Sladkov. NeoBASIC specially tailored for Neo6502 hardware made by Paul Robson. Tali Forth Forth for Neo6502 CPM65 made by David Given. […]


If you are near Amsterdam tonight at 20:00 there is great event at Pakhuis de Zwijger with Federico Faggin – the father of the first processor Intel 4004 and later Intel 8080 Intel 8080 and Z80! It’s a one in a lifetime opportunity to meet one of the most influencing person in Computer industry.

Published: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 08:32 | Comments: 2
If you are near Amsterdam tonight at 20:00 there is great event at Pakhuis de Zwijger with Federico Faggin – the father of the first processor Intel 4004 and later Intel 8080 Intel 8080 and Z80! It’s a one in a lifetime opportunity to meet one of the most influencing person in Computer industry.

Federico Faggin is mostly known as the father of the first ever microprocessor Intel 4004 back in 1971. At 83 he is one of the few living legends in the Computer industry. This is one in the lifetime opportunity to meet such person face to face. Not to mention that on the same event you […]


Neo6502 the modern retro open source hardware which beats any other 6502 machines with price, speed and features now got comprehensive get started manual by Paul Robson, you need to check it out!

Published: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 07:17 | Comments: 2
Neo6502 the modern retro open source hardware which beats any other 6502 machines with price,  speed and features now got comprehensive get started manual by Paul Robson, you need to check it out!

Neo6502 is amazing small machine, which runs on real W65C02 processor and although the clock is humble 6.25Mhz the additional RP2040 co-processor which handles the RAM, Graphics, Floatnig point arithmetics, Sprites, USB Flash drives, USB Game controllers and the clever firmware allow to Neo6502 to outperform all old retro machines x30 times faster on all […]


Open Source Hardware iMX8MPlus System On Module and EVB for Industrial applications, Machine learning and Machine vision with 2.3 TOPS NPU are running mainline Linux and operate in industrial grade temperature range

Published: Mon, 27 May 2024 12:11 | Comments: 2
Open Source Hardware iMX8MPlus System On Module and EVB for Industrial applications, Machine learning and Machine vision with 2.3 TOPS NPU are running mainline Linux and operate in industrial grade temperature range

iMX8MP-SOM-4GB-IND is an industrial grade system on module with: The price of iMX8MP-SOM-4GB-IND start from EURO 70.00 for single quantity and decrease to EURO 64.40 for 1000 pcs. iMX8MP-SOM-4GB-IND is designed with KiCad and sources are available at GitHub under CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 – Strongly Reciprocal. iMX8MP-SOM-EVB is evaluation board for iMX8MP-SOM-4GB-IND […]
