Board with ethernet interface for LPC2124 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Board with ethernet interface for LPC2124 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

74.95 EUR
In Stock

Board with ethernet interface for LPC2124 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Board with ethernet interface for LPC2124 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

89.95 EUR
In Stock

Development board for LPC2214 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller with 1MB external flash, 1MB external SRAM USB, RS232 and ETHERNET

Development board for LPC2214 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller with 1MB external flash, 1MB external SRAM USB, RS232 and ETHERNET

69.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype board with USB, 4x CAN, RS232, ETHERNET

Development prototype board with USB, 4x CAN, RS232, ETHERNET

69.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype board with USB, 4x CAN, RS232, ETHERNET

Development prototype board with USB, 4x CAN, RS232, ETHERNET

79.95 EUR
In Stock

uC Linux development prototype board with LPC2468 USB,ETHERNET, SD/MMC in credit card format

uC Linux development prototype board with LPC2468 USB,ETHERNET, SD/MMC in credit card format

64.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC1114 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC1114 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

8.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC11A14 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC11A14 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

8.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC11C14 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC11C14 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

8.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC11U14 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC11U14 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

8.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC1343 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

Development prototype header breakout board for LPC1343 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

8.95 EUR
Out of stock
LPC2103 ARM7 microcontroller header board

LPC2103 ARM7 microcontroller header board

7.95 EUR
In Stock

LPC2106 ARM7 microcontroller header board in DIL40 format

LPC2106 ARM7 microcontroller header board in DIL40 format

29.95 EUR
In Stock

Header board for LPC2124 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Header board for LPC2124 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

43.95 EUR
In Stock

LPC2129 header board for LPC2129 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

LPC2129 header board for LPC2129 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

45.95 EUR
In Stock

Header board for LPC2138 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Header board for LPC2138 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

19.95 EUR
In Stock

Prototype header board for LPC2148 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Prototype header board for LPC2148 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

17.95 EUR
In Stock

Header board for LPC2214 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller with 1MB SRAM and 1MB flash memory

Header board for LPC2214 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller with 1MB SRAM and 1MB flash memory

39.95 EUR
In Stock

Header board for LPC2294 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller with 1MB SRAM and 4MB flash memory

Header board for LPC2294 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller with 1MB SRAM and 4MB flash memory

39.95 EUR
In Stock

Low cost compact LPC3131 high speed USB header development prototype board

Low cost compact LPC3131 high speed USB header development prototype board

39.95 EUR
Out of stock
Development prototype board with 1MB SRAM, 4MB flash, CAN, RS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC

Development prototype board with 1MB SRAM, 4MB flash, CAN, RS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC

49.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype board with 8MB SRAM, 4MB FLASH, CAN, RS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC

Development prototype board with 8MB SRAM, 4MB FLASH, CAN, RS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC

69.95 EUR
In Stock

Development board for LPC2106 ARM microcontroller

Development board for LPC2106 ARM microcontroller

59.95 EUR
In Stock

Development board for LPC2138 ARM microcontroller

Development board for LPC2138 ARM microcontroller

24.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype board for LPC1114 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

Development prototype board for LPC1114 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

11.95 EUR
Out of stock
Development prototype board for LPC11C24 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

Development prototype board for LPC11C24 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

15.95 EUR
In Stock

DEvelopment prototype board for LPC1227 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

DEvelopment prototype board for LPC1227 CORTEX M0 ARM microcontroller

20.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype board for LPC1343 CORTEX M3 ARM microcontroller

Development prototype board for LPC1343 CORTEX M3 ARM microcontroller

12.95 EUR
Out of stock
Prototype board for LPC2103 ARM microcontroller

Prototype board for LPC2103 ARM microcontroller

10.95 EUR
In Stock

Prototype board for LPC2106 ARM microcontroller

Prototype board for LPC2106 ARM microcontroller

46.95 EUR
In Stock

Prototype board for LPC2124 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Prototype board for LPC2124 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

46.95 EUR
In Stock

Prototype board for LPC2129 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Prototype board for LPC2129 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

48.95 EUR
In Stock

Prototype for LPC2138 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Prototype for LPC2138 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

39.95 EUR
Out of stock
Prototype for LPC2148 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

Prototype for LPC2148 ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller

22.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype board with LPC2378 Ethernet, USB, 2x CAN, 2xRS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC

Development prototype board with LPC2378 Ethernet, USB, 2x CAN, 2xRS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC

39.95 EUR
Out of stock
Development prototype board with LPC2919 2x CAN, 2x LIN , SD/MMC

Development prototype board with LPC2919 2x CAN, 2x LIN , SD/MMC

33.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype board with LPC1766 TFT LCD, USB, ETHERNET, SD/MMC

Development prototype board with LPC1766 TFT LCD, USB, ETHERNET, SD/MMC

75.95 EUR
Out of stock
Development prototype board with LPC2378 Ethernet, USB, 2x CAN, 2xRS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC, AUDIO IN-OUT

Development prototype board with LPC2378 Ethernet, USB, 2x CAN, 2xRS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC, AUDIO IN-OUT

49.95 EUR
In Stock

Development prototype board with LPC2378 Ethernet, USB, 2xCAN, 2xRS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC, AUDIO IN-OUT, MICTOR

Development prototype board with LPC2378 Ethernet, USB, 2xCAN, 2xRS232, ETHERNET, SD/MMC, AUDIO IN-OUT, MICTOR

69.95 EUR
In Stock

uC Linux development prototype board with LPC2478 TFT LCD, PS2 Keyboard, USB, Ethernet, SD/MMC in credit card format

uC Linux development prototype board with LPC2478 TFT LCD, PS2 Keyboard, USB, Ethernet, SD/MMC in credit card format

135.95 EUR
In Stock

uC Linux development prototype board with LPC2478 TFT LCD, PS2 Keyboard, USB, Ethernet, SD/MMC in credit card format, MICTOR trace conbnector, IrDA transciever

uC Linux development prototype board with LPC2478 TFT LCD, PS2 Keyboard, USB, Ethernet, SD/MMC in credit card format, MICTOR trace conbnector, IrDA transciever

165.95 EUR
In Stock


Low cost compact LPC2888 ARM7 microcontroller header development prototype board

Low cost compact LPC2888 ARM7 microcontroller header development prototype board

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