
Low cost compact LPC2888 ARM7 microcontroller header development
prototype board
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- MCU: LPC2888 16/32 bit ARM7TDMI-S™ with 1MBytes Program Flash, 64K Bytes RAM, DMA, SD/MMC controller, I2C, I2S, DC/DC convertor 0.9-1.8V allows single 1.5V cell operation, 2 32bit TIMERS, LCD controller, 10 bit general purpose ADC, stereo 16 bit ADC and DACs
- Perfect for portable players, controllers as need only one 1.5V cell to operate
- High Speed 480Mbps USB connector
- SDRAM 32MBytes
- External Flash 2MBytes
- ARM JTAG 2x10 pin connector
- RESET circuit , RESET button
- status LED
- 12 Mhz crystal
- 120 pin 0.1" extension headers for all microcontroller ports
- PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), green soldermask, white silkscreen component print
- Dimensions: 55 x 55mm (2.16 x 2.16")
- LPC-H2888 power supply jumper description
- LPC-H2888 pinout
- LPC2888 datasheets and application notes at NXP web site
- LPC-H2888 dimensions
- eLua - Lua programming language project for LPC-H2888 build with GCC and OpenOCD
- Memory test, blinking LED EW-ARM 5.40 project and sources
- HighSpeedUSB example for EW-ARM 5.40 project and sources
- NXP code bundle for LPC2888 peripherials