
Header board for STM32L152VBT6 low power CORTEX-M3 microcontroller
Price | 14.95 EUR |
10 - 49 pcs | 13.46 EUR |
50 - 10000 pcs | 11.96 EUR |
This is a low-cost development board for the new STM32L series of ultra low-power microcontrollers of ST Microelectronics. STM32-H152 covers STM32L152VBT6. This board was carefully designed to low-power handheld operation, with Li-ion battery charges on board and USB. It's perfect to make data loggers. The 32khz crystal allows RTC implementation.
- MCU: STM32L152VBT6 ARM 32bit CORTEX M3™ with 128K Bytes Program Flash, 16K Bytes RAM, USB, LCD, I2C, SPI, USART, 32 Mhz clock, 80 GPIO, 1.8-3.6V power supply
- Standard JTAG connector with ARM 2x10 pin layout for programming/debugging with ARM-JTAG
- Li-ion battery charger
- USB connector
- UEXT connector
- Wake-up user button
- RESET button and circuit
- Two status LED
- Power supply LED
- On board voltage regulator 3.3V with up to 800mA current
- Single power supply: takes power from USB port or extension connector pin
- 8 Mhz crystal oscillator
- 32768Hz crystal and RTC backup battery connector
- Extension headers for all uC ports
- PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), red soldermask, silkscreen component print
- Dimensions: 70x 50mm (2.75 x 2.0")
- Distance between the exntension connectors: 38.1 mm (1.5")
- Demo software USB mouse and blinking LEDS for EW-ARM
- Setup GCC+Eclispse for STM32 on MAC
- OpenOCD configuration script - stm32l.cfg tested with OpenOCD 0.6.0