
Development board with LCD display with touchscreen and ATMEGA128
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AVR-TLCD-128CAN adds a cool LCD and touchscreen interface to your next project. There is an AT90CAN128 on board with all microcontroller pins available for plugging in additional boards
- MCU: AT90CAN128 128KB Flash memory , 4096B RAM, 4096B EEPROM
- TOUCH SCREEN LCD 160x160 dots B/W 81x60 mm view area
- Stainless-steel front panel (102x85 mm 4x3.35") with easy to mount x4 3mm fixing screws
- JTAG connector for programming and debugging with AVR-JTAG-L or AVR-JTAG-USB
- ICSP connector for programming with AVR-PG1 or AVR-PG2
- SD-MMC card connector
- CAN driver and connector
- UEXT connector for connection to other Olimex modules like MOD-MP3, MOD-NRF24Lx, MOD-GPS and many others
- 16Mhz crystal
- Extension connectors for all AT90CAN128 ports
- PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), soldermask, silkscreen component print
- Dimensions: 102x85mm (4 x 3.35")
- AVR-TLCD-128CAN Schematic Revision A
- AVR-TLCD-CAN test project for AVR Studio + GCC (WinAVR) C compiler