
TMS320F28016 development board
Price | 49.95 EUR |
10 - 49 pcs | 44.96 EUR |
50 - 10000 pcs | 39.96 EUR |
TMS320F28016 is known to be the world's lowest cost 32-bit Real Time Microcontroller (DSP) with a build in CAN and it costs only US $3.60 / 1000 pcs quantity. This is a very good bargain for a 32-bit core running at 60 Mhz, delivering 60 MMACS, 32KB Flash, 12 KB RAM, 8 channel PWM 6 of them with enhanced resolution of 150 ps(!), 2 x 8 channels 3.75 MPSP 12-bit ADCs, CAN, RS232, SPI, I2C.
- MCU: TMS320F28016 32KB Flash, 12 KB RAM, 3.75 MPSP 2 x 8 channel ADCs, 8 PWM, CAN, SPI, RS232, I2C
- JTAG connector
- USB-to-RS232 converter allow easy to power board and to connect to notebooks and decent computers without RS232 port
- CAN driver and connector
- UEXT connector with SPI, RS232, I2C for connection to other Olimex modules as MOD-NRF24Lx, MOD-MP3, etc.
- MOTOR control connector (for add on modules with ADC, PWM, Interrupt signals available)
- User button
- Trimmer potentiometer connected to Analog input
- Power supply LED
- User status LED
- RST button
- External power supply jack for AC or DC power supply
- Voltage regulator + power supply filtering capacitor
- Extension headers for each uC pin
- Prototype area with 0.1" step, Vcc + GND bus
- PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), green soldermask, white silkscreen component print
- Dimensions: 100x80 mm (3.9x3.15")
- TMS320-P28016.pdf - users manual
- Code Composer Studio v6.1.2 blinking LED tutorial - how to use TMS320-P28016 with TMS320-XDS100-V3
- Code Composer Studio v3.3 tutorial - how to use TMS320-P28016 board with TMS320-JTAG
- Flash programming of TMS320-P28016 - using CCSv3.3
- TMS320-P28016 European Declaration of Conformity
- TMS320-P28016 Rev. A schematic
- TMS320-JTAG connector layout (top view)
- The best idea is to use the examples and libraries from sprc191.zip and edit them for TMS320-P28016
- Blink LED for CCS v3.3
- RS232 echo back for CCS v3.3
- ADC read for CCS v3.3
- Flash programming blink LED for CCS v3.3