Price | 24.95 EUR |
10 - 49 pcs | 22.46 EUR |
50 - 10000 pcs | 19.96 EUR |
DuinoMite-Mini is a Maximite Compatible Basic computer, originally designed by Geoff Graham, with additional features. DuinoMite allow you to program in BASIC language and have VGA and Keyboard interface, so you can develop and write your code in Basic without the need of any computer. You can store your code on the SD-CARD and to execute it on power up through autoexec.bas main code.
- PIC32MX795 microcontroller
- micro SD card
- USB connector
- VGA connector
- PS-2 keyboard connector
- Arduino like format i.e. can work with Arduino shields
- UEXT connector i.e. can work with all our modules
- DuinoMite Users Manual - Revision 1.03 15-12-2011 with UEXT examples, edited by Mick Gulovsen
- DuinoMite programming example
- The evolution of DuinoMite and the differences between DuinoMite and MaxiMite
- MM BASIC Quick refference manual
- Duinmomite-Mini European Declaration of Conformity
- DuinoMite-Mini schematic file in PDF format Revision C released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
- Latest CAD files on GitHub released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License
- DuinoMite Latest sources on GitHub
- Bootloader HEX and Firmware HEX on GitHub
- Duinomite drivers for virutal com port console, please read important note for the use of these.
- Duinomite firmware updater, please read important note for the use of this file.
- Alternative firmware: MaxiMite
- PACMAN Game for Duinomite with MOD-WII-UEXT-NUNCHUCK
- HOW TO run PACMAN with Duinomite boards - Step-by-step Guide
- TRS-80 emulator by Ken Segler
- Retro BSD by Sergey Vakulenko
- Space Invaders Game by Ken Segler
- Z80 Emulator runs CP-M now and the complete project is on Github by Ken Segler
- Snake retro game written in BASIC by Olimex
- Duinomite with Gameduino shield example by Ken Segler
- Measuring temperature with LM335Z by Olimex
- How Fast is Duinomite Basic? by Olimex
- Measuring temperature with KTY81.110 by Olimex
Do not use the "programmer-to-go" button when there is no image on the OLIMEX PIC-KIT3 or MICROCHIP PIC-KIT3 because that might put your microcontroller in an irrecoverable state. We have tested the mentioned scenario and we can confirm it destroys PIC32 chips (using both our and the original Microchip PICKIT3). We don't take responsibility if you break your chip that way. For more info check the following: www.microchip.com/forums/m635420.aspx.