
GateMateA1-EVB - Open Source Hardware Board
GateMateA1-EVB - Open Source Hardware Board GateMateA1-EVB - Open Source Hardware Board GateMateA1-EVB - Open Source Hardware Board
Development board for CCGM1A1

Select Product Variant

  • GateMateA1-EVB
  • GateMateA1-EVB-2M
Price50.00 EUR
In Stock
GateMateA1-EVB is OSHW certified Open Source Hardware with UID BG0000117

GateMateA1-EVB-2M has U3 2MB of SPI flash and the surrounding components soldered on board.


  • CCGM1A1 FPGA with 20480 logic cells
  • PSRAM 64Mbit
  • RP2040 processor for programing and debugging
  • 2MB configuration Flash for RP2040
  • 4 buttons
  • USB-C for power supply and programming
  • PS2 connector
  • VGA connector
  • 4 Banks with signals with selectable levels 1.2V 1.8V 2.5V
  • PMOD with level shifters
  • UEXT with level shifters
  • Power LED
  • User LED
  • 4 sections configuration slide switch
  • Dimensions: 120 x 80 mm


  • How to program this board?
  • Via the USB connector. The board comes with dirtyJtag bootloader already programmed and we use openFPGALoader software to program it. The command we use to program it here is:

    sudo ./openFPGALoader -c dirtyJtag blink_00.cfg_LED_BUT.bit

    The openFPGALoader reposiotry can be found here:

    Maybe check the instructions here:

    The dirtyJtag bootloader repo is here: