
ESP32-ADF Open Source Hardware Audio Development Framework board.
ESP32-ADF is
OSHW certified Open Source Hardware with UID BG0000111
Price | 21.95 EUR |
10 - 49 pcs | 19.76 EUR |
50 - 10000 pcs | 17.56 EUR |
ESP32-ADF is Open Source hardware development board for Espressif Audio Development Framework
Using ESP32-ADF you can make an Amazon Alexa speaker, or internet radio receiver and streaming device, SIP VoIP telephone, Wi-Fi walkie talkie and many other interesting projects.
Using ESP32-ADF you can make an Amazon Alexa speaker, or internet radio receiver and streaming device, SIP VoIP telephone, Wi-Fi walkie talkie and many other interesting projects.
- ESP32-WROVER-B with 8MB PSRAM, 4MB Flash
- Stereo microphones
- Stereo 2x3W speakers with amplifer
- On-board battery charger and Li-Po battery
- UEXT connector for 2.8" LCD
- Audio output jack
- USB micro connector for power supply and programming
- SD card connector
- Built-in programmer
- IR receiver
- 4 touch buttons
- 3 tactile buttons
- Power jack
- Dimensions: (83 x 52)mm
- How to use the SD card?
- By default the SD card in ESP32-ADF is connected in SD SPI mode:
So your code for the SD card should be suitable for that hardware connection. Try this ESP-IDF demo for SPI but change assignments accordingly. You can also use 1-bit SDMMC mode, in this case ignore SD_CS - GPIO21.
- The SD card doesn't work well after power up or reboot. It works fine if I first power the board and then insert the card afterwards.
- This might be caused by the state of MISO/GPIO12 during power up. GPIO12 is also a bootstrap pin for the ESP32 that controls the voltage for the flash memory and it is supposed to be floating or pulled-down; if pulled up the whole flash memory might not work. You might hardcode it for 3.3V operation and free it from its bootstrap function. Fuse burning is irreversible, but it should be fine since the flash of the ESP32 module works at 3.3V anyway. Read how it is done here: strapping conflicts