
Optoisolated professional USB JTAG for mass programming and flash emulation
This item is OBSOLETE
- Programs all MSP430Fxxx flash microcontrollers
- Ultra fast programming 13KB/s faster several times than TI-USB-FET (1.3KB when spy-bi-wire)
- Uses TI standard 2x7 pin JTAG connector
- Spy-Bi-Wire support for the newest TI MSP430 devices
- Can burn the MSP430 JTAG security fuse
- Optoisolation 1000VDC, target circuit can be high voltage powered (electricity meters safe debugging)
- Can supply target with variable voltage
- Internal Flash - can work stand alone (with external power supply +12VDC)
- Can work without computer in-field for firmware upgrade
- MSP430.dll makes it compatible with all existing software which works with TI-USB-FET (emulates TI-USB-FET)
- Compatible with IAR Kickstart software for programming, real time emulation, debugging, step by step program execution, breakpoints, memory dump etc everything all high priced emulators do
- With IAR Kickstart you can write in assembler unlimited code size and to write in C with 2K limit for all MSP430 microcontrollers
- Works with free GCC C compiler and Insight MSP430 toolchain and debugger
- For MAC-OS users: reported to work with PS X 10.4 and current Parallels
- Dimensions 90x50x20 mm (3.5x2x0.8") + 20 cm (8") cable
- How to install Olimex USB MSP430 programmers
- SPY-BI-WIRE connection please pay attention if you want to use SBW devices as the JTAG connection is different than TI layout
- How to use MSP430-JTAG-ISO in stand alone mode
- Important changes in stand alone mode after 1.0.39
- MSP430-JTAG-ISO LED functions
- How to install and use Olimex JTAGs with CCS 4.x
- How to install and use Olimex JTAGs with CrossWorks
- MSP430-JTAG-ISO connector (top view)
- OLIMEX MSP430-PROGRAMMER - GUI 17.11.2011 freeware - stand alone software which allows you to program MSP430 devices without any 3rd party
- MSP430 JTAG drivers Ver.1.042 -26-JUL-2011 adds support for all devices released by TI to July 2011
- MSP430 JTAG drivers Ver.1.039
- MSP430 Kick Start C compiler and debugger (free for assembly language, limited for C)
- MSPGCC - free C compiler and debugger
- Support for Linux for MSP430-JTAG-ISO made by an enthusiast
- What should be the polarity of the external power supply jack?
- The inner pin is "+", there is protection diode so you can't go wrong.
- What is the maximum input voltage for the external power supply jack?
- There should be a 12VDC regulated voltage with a 100mA current source. If more voltage is applied this will overheat the internal DC/DC isolation converter. The voltage should not exceed 14VDC in any case as it will damage the unit.
- How safe is debugging what is the insulation voltage with my USB port?
- You can connect MSP430-JTAG-ISO to a high voltage target and use it with a USB port connection, there is a 1000VDC insulation.
- Can I use MSP430-JTAG-ISO with XYZ development IDE/tools?
- The MSP430.dll which is provided with the MSP430-JTAG-ISO is 100% compliant to the Texas Instruments MSP430.dll and will work with *every* development software which supports the original TI MSP430-FET and MSP430-USBFET hardware platforms. We have tested EW-MSP430, Rowley CrossWorks, and our customers have reported success with MSPGCC.
- What voltage is the target programming when MSP430-JTAG-ISO-MK2 is working in stand alone mode?
- If your target is not powered externally, MSP430-JTAG-ISO will power it up with 3.3V, if it is powered externally, MSP430-JTAG-ISO will detect and follow the target voltage. Note that your target voltage should meet the Flash programming minimum voltage otherwise you will get an error during programming.
- Other companies charge money for MSP430 programming software, why is yours free?
- To write MSP430 programming software using the TI MSP430.dll is a very easy job, there would probably be tons of such programmers available if TI was not keeping the DLL content secret. The programmer software we offer is a beta testing software so it may have some bugs although we've been using it for years at home. Now we've decided to release it for the public as we got a number of questions about whether we know of any such software :). As we are a more hardware-oriented company rather than software-oriented and we've never gotten involved in sales of software, we decided to just release it as a freeware and not to hassle with software copy protections and such.Note that it's not open source but a copyrighted software, although it costs you nothing to obtain or distribute it. We are going to fix all reported bugs in a timely manner but keep in mind that it's not a commercial project and our people have a lot of other stuff to do.