
MP3 player module with VS1002 MP3 decoder/encoder
- Based on VS1002
hardware decoder for MPEG 1 & 2 audio layer 3 (ISO 11172-3), MP3+V, WAV and PCM files ;
supports ADPCM encoding and decoding
supports VBR (variable bitrate) for MP3; Supports streaming
- Single 1.5V battery cell operation with on board low power DC/DC voltage boost converter
- UEXT to connect to host microcontroller (standard connector on our ARM development boards)
- Can work as stand-alone MP3 player operation
- SD/MMC card on board
- Stereo Audio microphone jack, Stereo Audio headphones jack
- Can be used to record and playback
- Triple action lever switch: Forward, Reverse, Play/Pause action
- PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), green soldermask, white silkscreen component print
- Dimensions: 57x45 mm (2.2x1.8")
- LPC-P2148 demo code for control of MOD-MP3 via UEXT connector
- MOD-MP3 firmware collection - different firmwares which can be programmed for VS1002 stand alone player/recorder etc.