OLinuXino - Industrial Linux SBC - Open Source Hardware Boards

What is OLinuXino?
OLinuXino are series of powerful Linux-enabled Open Source Software and Open Source Hardware boards, designed and manufactured by Olimex LTD. Boards from the OLinuXino family can be manufactured with components suitable for operation in either industrial grade (-40+85)C or commercial grade (0-70)C temerpature range. Different OLinuXino boards use processors from different manufacturers - Allwinner, Freescale, etc.
OLinuXino boards are completely open source and you have access to all the CAD files and sources and you can reuse them for your own personal or commercial projects. This brings security to your business, you own everything and have control. There are NO restrictions for manufacturing and selling our designs or boards in your own applications.
We are commited to the longetivity of our products. Most of our boards are produced as long as possible. We also have an agreement with Allwinner for longevity support. We can purchase obsolete Allwinner chips if we order at least 50000 units. This allow us to manufacture the boards longer than other manufacturers. The typical life of an Allwinner chip is 8-12 months but we keep manufactruing boards with chips like Allwinner A10 and Allwinner A13 - chips that were declared obsolete in 2014 and not available for purchase anymore. We still order these chips and keep producing boards with A10 and A13, and will continue as long as there is demand. We also sell only Allwinner chips in our web store - customers that decide to manufacture OLinuXino by themselves have access to small quantities of the chip.
OLinuXino designs are ever improving. Typical Linux boards have few revisions and short life span, our boards have many revisions as we improve on the hardware and listen to the community feedback. At the same time we keep backward compatibility. This is not a toy-board. Our boards are used in applications where reliable 24/7 operation is needed. Each part of the designed is based on our 25+ years of experience. With the open source design nothing is hidden and you can check and evaluate every bit of them even before purchase.
OLinuXino is available in any quantity. We not only design but also manufacture our boards in-house. This gives us independance and we can produce the boards in any quantity, fast and flexible.
The project is hosted at Github:
The development discussion group:
What makes OLiuXino products better than competition?
- Designed by engineers with 25+ experience in designing and producing electronic boards;
- Carefully selected SOCs and proper Linux support for the hardware BEFORE we release the boards;
- We manufacture as long as there is demand! We guarantee longitivity. We are here for 25+ years and will be here for many years to come;
- The boards are designed and manufactured in our factory in Bulgaria making us flexible with delivery schedules;
- We can produce our boards in industrial temperature range -40+85C;
- Our boards are used in so demanding applications as payment terminals, sport equipment, speed camera logger, 3d- printing, mining and in extreme places like Antarctica and even Space;
- We continually improve on our board's features based on experience and customers feedback, but try to keeping backward compatibility;
- We can manufacture earlier revisions for customer who do not want to change their product (i.e. no need for new certifications etc.);
- Customers have control over all board design info;
- There are no hidden features and bugs, everything is at your disposal;
- Longetivity and independence are guaranteed: you can buy from us or manufacture yourself or hire someone to manufacture these boards for you;
- Designing OSHW gives advantage on receiving customer feedback even at the earliest stage of the development;
We produce our boards until there is demand and we can buy the components, even if board is marked on our web as obsolete it can be produced on demand when minimum quantity is met (vary for the different boards).
We have agreement with Allwinner that we can buy their SOC even if they are obsolete.
Please read these blog posts.
The Hardware project is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
You may reproduce it for both your own personal use, and for commercial use
You will have to provide a link to the original creator of the project http://www.olimex.com on any documentation or website.
You may also modify the files, but you must then release them as well under the same terms.
Credit can be attributed through a link to the creator website: http://www.olimex.com
If you are not confident with the Open Source Licensee - no problem you can contact us and we can work on commercial licensee or re-design of OLINUXINO to better fit your needs.
The software is released under GPL.