STMP15x-SOM Hardware revision changes: --- hardware revision D1 --- 1. R62 changed from 10k to 100k/0402. This delays 3.3V going to the pull-up resistors of the I2C. This fixes power up hangs of some boards but increases the time needed between power ups for discharging. There should be at least 2 or 3 seconds between power down and power up. --- hardware revision D --- 1. Revision identifier changed to Rev_D and year to 2022; 2. DBG1 hanged from NA(HN1x3) to HR1x3; 3. The SMD boot jumpers: BOOT0_VDD1, BOOT1_VDD1 and BOOT2_VDD1 were deleted. R18(2.2k/0402) and R19(2.2k/0402) were deleted too. Instead added the BOOT switch: BOOT_SW1(DSHP04TS-S) and R17 changed from 2.2k/R0402 to 330R/R0402; 4. Test pads for all power supplies added; 5. R18(10k/R0402) added to the AXP209's IRQ pin; 6. Added R19(0R/R0402) between AXP209's PWROK and MCU's NRST pin; 7. C32 moved 30mils far away from the SD-Card. R22 moved 70mils to the same direction. R21 moved too; 9. Added CE mark was added; 10. Layers numeration added; 11. U1 changed from STM32MP157CAA3x to STM32MP15x.