Hi everyone.
I have some difficulty to set-up cross toolchain for A10s.
I have successfully set up and compiled with ubuntu 12.04 default arm-gnueabihf toolchain.
When I try to compile QT, following some guide found on the net, I have the problem that toolchain used use different glibc than used in debian image downloaded from olimex site.
Is it possible to know what toolchain was used to build debian image.
yes, it's explained in point 1. Setup the toolchain in the blog post http://olimex.wordpress.com/2013/10/28/building-debian-sd-card-for-linux-with-kernel-3-4-from-scratch-for-a10s-olinuxino-micro/
I read the blog post with instructions you report.
If possible I don't want to rebuild entire debian image.
I look in filesystem in sd card and I noticed that libc.so.6 is version 2.13.
Is the same version that link with toolchain you indicated.
I'll try.
Sorry, I forgot important information.
After compiling QT embedded (correctly), when I try to launch a little test software, I receive the message GLIBC 2.15 not found.
The actual cross compiler that I used is the default ubuntu 12.04 gnueabihf compiler.