I tried building my own Android Image for A10s board.
I downloaded the A10s SDK (Android & lichee) and built the NAND image as explained below (Host - Ubuntu 12)
cd lichee
./build.sh -p sun5i_elite -k 3.0 ###### Q. Is this the correct target to build ?
cd ../android/
source build/envsetup.sh
lunch ###### I selected 17 :- Refer to https://www.olimex.com/forum/index.php?topic=1850.msg8571#msg8571
make -j8
######### I makde the required modifications to the codebase as below ########
vi build/core/combo/HOST_linux-x86.mk
vi external/oprofile/libpp/format_output.h
vi external/gtest/src/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-param-util.h
vi external/llvm/llvm-host-build.mk
vi frameworks/compile/slang/Android.mk
vi external/mesa3d/src/glsl/linker.cpp
make -j8
pack ########## Q. When I tried 'pack' it said for 'crane'. Is this normal
######### Finally I got the NAND image below ##########
## 293191680 Jan 3 11:14 ../lichee/tools/pack/sun5i_android_elite-evb.img
## downloaded the image built above to the NAND using livesuit 1.07
## However, it fails to boot up.
## Nothing on the USB-Serial Console.
## Tried to reflash the NAND with the A10s image by Olimex. It works fine.
## So certainly something is wrong with the image that I built.
Any Help/suggestions ?