Guys, I have an issue with my A20. I just uploaded a fresh Android image on microSD card, it boots normally (except that green led doesn't flash), but somehow it shows me pink-colored desktop (instead of blue, or I'm not right?). Actually, it's not the biggest problem. The problem is after I'm trying to unlock the screen, it becomes black and nothing happens. I use HDMI output on A20 and HDMI-DVI connector to plug it to a monitortried to plug it to my laptop and everything is fine (they both are fine as I ). USB mouse and keyboard, 12V power in. Any ideas? Thanks
Here is an output during boot:
HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
boot0 version : 2.0.0≤
read dram para.
dram driver version: 1.15
dram size =1024MB
super_standby_flag = 0
boot card number =0
sdcard 0 init ok
The size of Boot1 is 0x00054000.
Succeed in loading boot1 from sdmmc flash.
Ready to disable icache.
Succeed in loading Boot1.
Jump to Boot1.
[ 0.184] boot1 version : 2.0.0
[ 0.184] script installed early ok
[ 0.185] pmu type = 3
[ 0.289] bat vol = 653 mv
[ 0.302] axi:ahb:apb=4:2:2
[ 0.302] set dcdc2=1400mv, clock=912M successed
[ 0.305] key
[ 0.317] no key found
[ 0.317] flash init start
[ 0.344] flash init finish
[ 0.346] fs init ok
[ 0.347] fattype FAT16
[ 0.347] fs mount ok
[ 0.350] storage_type=1
[ 0.358] 0
[ 0.359] set pc
[ 0.359] usbdc_vol = 4000, usbdc_cur = 0
[ 0.361] usbpc_vol = 4400, usbpc_cur = 0
[ 0.365] init to usb pc
[ 0.368] set pc
[ 0.446] battery enough
[ 0.446] power_start=0x00000001
[ 0.447] key value = 0
[ 0.450] recovery key high 40, low 4
[ 0.466] show pic finish
[ 0.466] load kernel start
[ 0.481] load kernel successed
[ 0.481] start address = 0x4a000000
[ 0.855] power exit detect
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geceb6aa-dirty (Sep 18 2013 - 11:53:15) Allwinner Technology
Board: SUN7I-EVB
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
--------fastboot partitions--------
-total partitions:11-
-name- -start- -size-
bootloader : 8000 8000
env : 10000 8000
boot : 18000 8000
system : 20000 100000
data : 120000 100000
misc : 220000 8000
recovery : 228000 10000
cache : 238000 100000
databk : 338000 80000
private : 3b8000 8000
UDISK : 3c0000 3a0000
bootcmd set setargs_mmc
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Starting kernel ...
[ 2.656592] init: width = 800
[ 2.659941] init: height = 480
[ 2.663341] init: s.st_size = 1536000
[ 2.766962] init: do_umount: /data
[ 3.455118] init: do_umount: /cache
[ 3.554047] init: dont need format /dev/block/UDISK
[ 3.573205] init: do_umount: /databk
[ 3.692795] init: cannot find '/system/etc/', disabling 'flash_recovery'
[ 4.404054] i2c i2c-1: Invalid 7-bit I2C address 0x00
[ 4.615428] android_usb: already disabled
[ 4.622125] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'sys.usb.config', use ${name} instead
[ 4.634974] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'sys.usb.config', use ${name} instead
[ 7.647672] init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:1003 name:service.bootanim.exit
Have, the same problem.
Well, it's a combination of HDMI -> DVI converter cable and Monitor. My best guess is it's more of a monitor's fail. Especially if it's an older model.
Best Fix - straight way HDMI->HDMI connection and monitor.