I bought Olimex Teres, and assemble it, but I had very hard time with the small FCP (Flexible flat cable) specially the power fcp (https://www.olimex.com/Products/DIY-Laptop/SPARE-PARTS/TERES-028-FPC-Pwr-Main/ (https://www.olimex.com/Products/DIY-Laptop/SPARE-PARTS/TERES-028-FPC-Pwr-Main/) TERES-028-FPC-Pwr-Main) I wonder if anyone as a suggest tool to manipulate the FFC.
I look at https://www.olimex.com/Products/Tools/HandTools/ (https://www.olimex.com/Products/Tools/HandTools/) but I don't have a clue to select the best tool.
PS: That you very much for this project it's great.
Any of those tweezers (PGC-00SA, CHN-TWZ1MM, CHN-TWZ2MM) should work just fine. I personally like curved ESD-safe (electrostatic discharge) tweezers due to the improved visibility.