Hello, I just got an arduino uno r4 wifi and I am trying to get it to work with Olimex ecg shield so I can see the ecg data over the internet. I couldn't get the demo code to work with the arduino because I am getting the compilation error "#error FlexiTimer2 library only works on AVR architecture". Can someone help me out with this?
That demo is made for AVR architecture, your board uses ARM chip, but this is not real problem since you don't need to use that demo anymore, try the demo that uses Serial Plotter from chapter 4 this document:
IMPORTANT! Make sure to check at what voltage your board works (either 3.3V or 5V levels! If your board is working at 5V, then make sure to set the jumper 3.3V/5V of the shield to the proper position (to fit the board). If you are not sure check the Arduino UNO R4 documentation or ask in the Arduino forums.
Let me know how it goes.
I am getting a peak that coincides with my heartbeat but the signal is way to noisy for it to be even close to becoming an ECG signal. Is there a software approach to filtering out the noise in the signal?
In normal environment you should get the same reading as in the manual that I shared (on page 8). What do you get instead?
Can be a lot of things, like wrong electrode placement, bad contact with the skin. Three electrodes are needed, maybe the neutral/earth is not making good contact, if it is missing there would be noise.