Hello there,
I purchased a Neo6502 and a Wifi Mod, to make my Agon Light 2 jealous , the other day.
Well, I did an over the air firmware update on the Wifi Module, and it seems completely bricked.
I did it from the Neo6502 using the netconsole.neo program.
I do not mind buying the necessary stuff from your shop to rewrite / recover the Wifi Mod, from my PC.
I just find it a bit confusing what to buy, since a cable mentioned in the manual I do not find on the Web, and I do not know if the mod-usb-rs232 is what I need to flash the wifi mod from my PC.
Help would be appreciated, so I can go down the rabbit hole.......
Regards, D.
We haven't tested Neo6502 and MOD-WIFI-ESP8266 ourselves. I guess you have followed this guide:
My point is, we have no idea how to get these two pieces working together either. Please contact the maintainer of the project and report your experience, it might be something well known or a widespread problem.
I have no idea how you determined that MOD-WIFI-ESP8266 got bricked but we sell it with AT commands firmware (meaning you can send AT commands over the serial to control it). If you wish to restore it you can use serial cable that fits the UEXT pins, it is explained here: https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/_resources/ESP8266EX-how-to-update-firmware.pdf
Personally I use CH340T + female-male pins:
You can't really brick Neo6502. You might overwrite the software of Neo6502 but this is fixable.
To power Neo6502 you need USB-C cable like USB-CABLE-A-RO-C-1M:
To program the RP2040 you will need USB-A to USB-A cable like USB-CABLE-AM-AM:
Thanks to olimex support, I am in the way of solving this
thread closed.s