Olimex Support Forum

Microcontrollers => ESP32 => Topic started by: Colomer_1978 on January 11, 2025, 10:12:00 AM

Title: ESP32 GATEWAY board revision changes
Post by: Colomer_1978 on January 11, 2025, 10:12:00 AM

I have been using two models of the ESP32-GATEWAY. The last one, Rev I, and the previous one.

I have a code that runs ok in the previous board but it not always runs well (depending on some conditions like the partition scheme and some other weird changes) in the newest one. Here I explain what happens https://forum.arduino.cc/t/esp32-error-depending-on-partition-scheme/1339545/5

I'm using the board package 1.0.6 of Espressif in Arduino IDE and I will update to the latest version 2 of it and I hope to solve the problem.

However I see that there are minor  changes from one board to another that shouldn't affect to my code. Is the ESP32 module different from one to another?

Title: Re: ESP32 GATEWAY board revision changes
Post by: LubOlimex on January 13, 2025, 09:07:59 AM
There aren't any major hardware changes between revisions I and H. The behavior should be the same. The issue is probably elsewhere, it shouldn't be related to the hardware design. Changes can be seen here:


Looking at your post it might be something related to the communication. Test with the latest Arduino package and also try re-installing the CH340T drivers (CH340 is the chip responsible for the communication between the board and the PC - USB-serial converter). I don't know what OS you use to give you direct link, but you can navigate through WCH's web-site relatively easy. For example this is the place to get the driver for Windows:


Title: Re: ESP32 GATEWAY board revision changes
Post by: Colomer_1978 on January 15, 2025, 07:04:16 PM
Yes I guess it's not a problem of the board, but didn't find where the problem is and wanted to discard any option.

I will download the driver of the CH340T.

Thanks for your reply.