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Firmware update?

Started by KeesZagers, January 08, 2018, 09:35:05 PM

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Just received 10 new PIC32T795 modules. They seem to work, however they come up with a new introduction text:
Maximite BASIC Version 2.7A
Copyright ....

in stead of:

DMBasic Build Date ....

I will replace this firmware anyway by my own, however I would like to know if I should also replace the introduction text due to copyright issues?

I looked on Github, but saw no recent changes over there.



Just buy some extra products and the question is answered. The new Duinomte Mega's I received today have the traditional DMBasic introduction text again. So I presume the PIC32-T795 modules were accidently filled with an older version of the software.


The production test of PIC32-T795 was last modified 2014. Indeed, the board comes with Maximite BASIC 2.7A. It is not an accident, it was never updated.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hi Lub,

Thank you for answering, but I would advise you to check the procedures in production:

1. The PIC32T795 had Maximite Basic 2.7A, but a release of 2011 I think. No extensions of Ken Segler, no CAN commands, etc. Message at bootup only Geoff Graham Maximite Basic, no Olimex/Ken Segler message. As said no problem for me, as I could load my own firmware and everything was up and running again.

2. The last 2 Duinomite Mega's I received had the latest DMBasic 2.7A, that was correct. However when I pressed the BUTTON/RESET combination, nothing happened. The bootloader was missing. Fortunately I have a PIC-KIT 3 and I could install the bootloader and my own firmware, but I guess others could have problems with it.


I checked. Yes, DUINOMITE boards come with DMBasic. No, PIC32-T795 don't come with DMBasic. And, yes, I understand that Maximite Basic 2.7A is bad. But this is a fact - we never ported DMBasic for PIC32-T795 and quite likely pin assignments for Duinomite boards and PIC32-T795 are different.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


PIC32-T795 is OK for me. I remember I received a batch in the past with only the bootloader and I guess that is a better solution than the old Maximite 2.7A.

More relevant was my second complaint: The Duinomites should really come with a bootloader and not only the DMBasic. It is a hell of a job to connect the PIC-KIT 3, find the correct old images in MPLAB-X and download everything again.


There is a bootloader but you need to use an application that works with our VID and PID. The tool for Windows is this one:

To enter the bootloader mode of DUINOMITE boards press and hold the BUT button then press and release the RESET button, then release BUT.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


He Lub,

I know that there is a bootloader and I know how it works. These were not the first Duinomites, which I bought. And like I said you should deliver the PIC32-T795 with only this bootloader. What I said was: On the last 2 Duinomites I received, was only the DMBasic and NOT the bootloader. Pressing BUT and RESET was useless. I installed the bootloader with the PIC-KIT 3 myself and after that it worked again, but that is not what I like to do with every new delivery. I presume it was just a production error at your side.


I misunderstood the post about the missing bootloader, I though it is about PIC32-T795. Excuse me. I now investigated all Duinomite boards.

So it turns out the last few batches of DUINOMITE boards were not programmed correctly and were missing bootloader indeed. So far I investigated eMEGA, MEGA and MINI boards, all left the production without a bootloader. PIC32-T795 was the only board that left the factory programmed as intended. I guess the production test description was worded misleadingly since different people from the test department made the same mistake. Furthermore, the test didn't check for bootloader presence at the end.

The boards that we have at stock had now been re-programmed with proper binary with bootloader and test description was improved. The test now includes a test of the bootloader.

Thank you for the feedback and the persistence in clarifying the problem.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex



Hello, I just purchased a DuinoMite Mega and it doesn't seem to have a bootloader (cannot enter bootloader mode). I need to flash a new version of MMBasic in order to use the CAN communication features. I don't have a "PIC-KIT" and would probably not know how to use it if I did. What can I do? Thank you for any help or advice,

- aliasid



Just to be sure that there is no bootloader: Press the BUT at the unpowered device. Now turn on the power. After a second release the BUT. The green and yellow LED should be blinking one by one now. If not you have the bootloader missing.

The normal procedure is: return the unit to Olimex with the complaint. After the installation you can do with it whatever you want.

The alternative procedure: you can choose for an optimised CAN unit and in that case I can help you. You can read what I have done on:

This is based on the old DMBASIC 2.7 and not on a recent MMBASIC. I found a lot of bugs in the first CAN implementations of MMBASIC. Maybe it is better now, but at that point in 2013 I decided to make my own extended CAN version. Some functionality had to make place for the extended use of CAN. I can offer you an update to this version, if you want. In that case I can also update your Duinomite with the bootloader and the newest version of the CAN firmware.


@aliasid It is vaguely described in "4.1. DIRECT PROGRAMMING USING MPLAB, C32, PIC-KIT3" chapter on page 28 in the manual here:

Basically you need to connect the PIC-KIT3 to the white ICSP connector in the middle of the board. This would require adapter from 0.1" step connector to 0.05" step connector (called PIC-ICSP). Then via MPLAB or MPLAB IPE establish a connection between the PIC-KIT3 and the board and flash the board with the binary file from this repository: - go for this file for DUINOMITE-MEGA board
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


A PICkit is useful but not required.  You can use any of the ways of reprogramming via ICSP, such as pic32prog - and there are others such as arduino.

The point about ICSP is that it always works if used properly, even with a blank CPU.

It's easier just to use a PICkit when a beginner, though.



Hey Lub and John,

If the bootloader is missing, something went wrong at Olimex as Lub agreed earlier in this discussion. In that case we should help the customer and not trying to sell additional PIC-KIT's or investigate in other complex solutions. Customer should get the product as it should be, so including the bootloader. This is how it is documented.