March 13, 2025, 06:57:28 PM

ALBUS Lathe CNC Conversion

Started by nwihlborg, September 17, 2018, 08:58:45 AM

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ALBUS-Lathe CNC Conversion Spec

The Lathe works in 3 Main modes:

   1.Manual Mode:
   Only Z- feed support
   DRO Support

   2.Power Mode:
   XZ -feed support
   DRO Support
   Semi automated functions like make Chamfer/Fillets/Cutting
   Homing and Goto functions

   3.G-code Mode:
   Reads Gcode from microSD disc and executes it
   Operates in Closed loop with DRO

Digital Read out system (DRO): 
   Diameter or X-Coordinates
   Price 50$ per Axis (Max330 mm)
   Keypad input of Zero/New  data (X-Z-D)
   Resolution 0.01mm
   Uses modified WIXEY remote digital readout (Kit ~ 50$ each)
   For other applications it can connect direct to PC USB as a ASII com port
   Communicates with Lathe Controller (EMC protected)  via plastic fiber
   No electrical ground or signal connections for EMC protection

Extern Power Module:
   48V 10A for BLDC Spindle & 24V 10A for Stepper
   Separated Power Supply no Mains in the Lathe

Controller Opto-Barrier to Drive Boards
   One  Opto Barrier for each Driver(eg 3 for my Lathe)
   Supports  Stepper or BLDC Motor drives
   Supports  BLDC Tacho input
   Direct Break signals from Cover/Safety switch
   Contains Optical receiver for DRO Serial data 115200 baud
   The Power for Barrier is taken from the connected Drive Module
   Four input signals each from any type of sensor (+5 or +24)
   Reset  function to set zero DRO absolute

Lathe Controller:
   Uses OLIMEX PIC32-HMZ144 module with hardware floating point
   Price is only 30$ ((Electro Kit Sweden)
   Shield board with switches and led for the front panel
   4x20 char Display with Scroller and 4 keys
   One MPG wheel
   12 Key pad
   4 Opto-barrier connectors for 3D milling machine and BLDC
   Safety Keylock interface (Type car starter)

Lathe Software:
   Built on Microchip Harmony free framework
   All written "ground up" in C with  Microchip free tools
   Non Blocking code with ca 25 uS loopTime
   Uses Bresenham's line algoritm (Like all the rest of the world)

Lathe Hardware:
   Built using SIEG C3 Lathe Spare parts (from Arc Euro Trade Ltd)
   90% of Conversing Parts done  with Lasercut from  DXF drawings
   Those can be reproduced by any local metal sheet company
   All  Drawings are made in the free DraftSight CAD



very nice :)

For the SW did you checked GRBL? I have managed to port it to a PIC32 and removed a lot of uggly blocking call from it. Now it behaves very nicely and can be used with other nicely written SW part :)