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USB with T5510-Board

Started by FranzPeter, August 24, 2022, 11:27:57 AM

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Dear Experts!

Has anybody accomplished a project using USB at the T5510-Board? Something like a Terminal-Server via USB? I could not find any application example.

All the best
Franz Peter


Dear Experts!
Hard to believe, that nobody has used the USB-Interface with the T5510-Board. So the USB-connector on it was never used? So it's pointlessly on the board?
Maybe I am wrong.
Franz Peter


We haven't used it to program the board via it. However, for general-purpose programming approach it is just a regular USB. For example, in our testing routines we test the USB connection, but the project is made with IAR EW for MSP430 and downloaded to the board via JTAG.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hello LubOlimex,
that sounds not bad. Maybe I can have the code? Maybe it is easy to understand - I mean with good dokumentation?  I would be happy to use the T5510 also as Terminal-Server via USB (just a side job to communicate with the user).

All the best
Franz Peter


You can have the code but we don't have good documentation for in-house tests and most info is in Bulgarian. We have the test code in two variants one for Windows and IAR EW for MSP430, and the other for Linux using the framework released by Texas Instruments. I've zipped the tests here:
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Dear LubOlimex,
we tried the code. However, my colleague told me that the driver BSL_USB_GUI.exe is missing. Can you help?
Franz Peter


We don't have it. It is probably something coming off Texas support packs for the chip. Maybe from this:

or this

Can be from older versions.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Dear LubOlimex,

it is not working. The driver changed nothing. So it is really hard to follow my plan to exchange the TI-Boards (Made in China) with Olimex Boards (Made in Europe). It is a must to use the USB-Port.
So please give me the code with which you test the USB-Port or an example how to send and receive a character to a Terminal-Program like "Tera Term".
Otherwise I need to give up and us the TI-Boards further on.
All the best
Franz Peter