March 14, 2025, 08:01:37 AM

LPC-1766-STK blank LCD

Started by jhahn123, August 05, 2023, 02:22:36 PM

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I've been trying to get to grips with a newly purchased LPC-1766-STK development board but currently cannot get the LCD display to operate. The display remains blank at all times although the backlight is on.
Straight out of the box, when first powered up the LCD display did work. It showed the "Olimex" logo.
However it has never worked since I flashed the board with its first new program.
In the past week I have tried various programs and examples but cannot get anything to show on the LCD.
Currently I'm working with a 31 day version of IAR Embedded workbench (version 9) and a ST-Link JTAG.
Both development toolsets work and flash the LPC-1766-STK.
I know that the board is working. I can debug and step through code within the IDE's. I can make LED's operate, buttons work etc.
But I cannot get the LCD to show anything. Also the given LCD demo program doesn't work either.
Now suspect that the LCD demo program has some fault. Really need to tell me which part of the code is wrong.

Thought I might try this post in the hope that someone might have some ideas.


What is the hardware revision of the board? What does it say on the box and on the PCB? When did you purchase it?
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


The board says : LPC1766-STK (c) 2009.
The box says :
Olimex PN 9000035171
Quantity          1
Date YYWW      2312
Lot Code      P17442
Country of Origin BG

I bought it from a Korean dealer that sells olimex products.

I look forward to your reply.


Hello, jhahn123!

Thanks for the feedback! It was indeed not working since the display was a different revision than the one the example was made for.
It was adjusted for our test program but not for the examples on the web.
Basically the difference is in the files:
where prior to the change there was a check for only a specific ID value, but after that there are different types of LCDs with different IDs so the ID check had to be updated to match their IDs as well.

We updated the examples on the web and now it should be fine.
Just one more thing to take into account is the version of the IAR. The project was made with 5.40 and I have tested it now with 5.50 (which is quite old one indeed) and I am not sure if it will work properly with 9.xx and might be necessary to do some kind of import.

Stan, Olimex
May the Source be with You!


Hello, Stan!

Thanks for the quick feedback!
I am very happy for your kind help.
It shows that my device works fine with IAR version 9.32 as well.

thank you.