Olinuxino A13 wireless disconnects

Started by fburada, April 12, 2013, 08:34:20 AM

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I have recently acquired an A13-OLinuXino-WIFI with android preinstalled. The board and OS work just fine and it connects to my router wireless but when i actually try to access the internet (either through the browser or through google play or gmail or basically anything) the wireless disconnects and my wireless network appears as it is not in range although i am standing in the same room as the router. The board stays connected to the wireless network as long as I don't actually use the internet but disconnects right after.

Is anybody else having this issue?
Is this a known problem?
Is there a solution?

Thank you.



I use an external power supply recommended to me by your distributors in Romania, Robofun. I don't have it near me right now (the link to the romanian website is this http://www.robofun.ro/alimentator-extern-arduino but it's in romanian) but the website where i got it from specifies it has an output of 3V-12V and 1400 mA at 6V, 1100 mA at 7.5V and 1000 mA at 9V and 12V. I have tried it with both 6V and 12V and the wireless still disconnects and is unusable.


stay at 9-12V and can you try if the board acting same with different router?


I have tried with 2 routers at 12V and it was the exact same behaviour.


Do you think there might be a problem with the power supply and I should try with another?


99% of the "problems" come from bad power supply


I have tried with another power supply and still no luck.


I have changed the router's security settings from wpa2 authentication to wpa personal and now the board stays connected. Thank you for your time and patience.

EDIT: Nope, I was too excited, it doesn't disconnect as quickly when I start an app with access to the internet (browser, youtube, play store) but it still disconnects.


Quote from: fburada on April 12, 2013, 05:41:29 PM
I have changed the router's security settings from wpa2 authentication to wpa personal and now the board stays connected. Thank you for your time and patience.

EDIT: Nope, I was too excited, it doesn't disconnect as quickly when I start an app with access to the internet (browser, youtube, play store) but it still disconnects.

I have the same problem. I have 4 boards ordered, 2 of them disconnects all the time. Should not be power supply related.