July 08, 2024, 04:27:13 PM

MOD-IO Firmware identification?

Started by enviroOpen, October 26, 2013, 10:30:18 PM

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I have just purchased a MOD-IO board from a supplier in the United States.
I cant query the device with i2cdetect from the command line?
Also purchased a MOD-TC-MK2 and have no problem query device address with i2cdetect.

I've noticed the MOD-IO has two option of firmware, one for i2c and another for 232.
What's the easiest way of telling which firmware resides on the device?
Can I flash the board with the correct firmware with out purchasing additional hardware?



There is a good chance you have the latest firmware of MOD-IO since we ship the board with it for more than a year.

What's the easiest way of telling which firmware resides on the device?
You can judge by the LED behavior if you try the following:

The default address of the board could be restored if the on-board button is held pressed at power up for more than 4 seconds. This situation is indicated by the on-board LED blinking fast for the timeout period. When the fast blinking ends default address is restored.

Can I flash the board with the correct firmware with out purchasing additional hardware?
No, unfortunately. You need ATmega16 compatible programmer or debugger (the board has both ICSP and JTAG connectors for programming).

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex