ir device issue

Started by Mouchon, December 20, 2013, 12:33:02 PM

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I am currently try to use the ir interface on oa20
I use the following sensor TSOP4838 pin 1 of it  connected to PB04 on gpio3( pin 8).

The sunxi-ir module is loaded and the associate input/event dev are created.

But when i probe the input/event interface i got nothing.

I alos checked that the sensor is working using logical analyzer and it work perfectly.
Any hint ?



Ok after some investigation, it seem that the sunxi-ir driver is not working
for all combination of ir sensor and remote.

I enabled debuging information on the module and see interrupt request handle when my sensor is on port PB04.
But it seem that decoding result is not understand for all the remote i own. And it seem that this driver are only able to decode NEC protocol

I investigate  on gpio_ir_recv.


Was unable to use  gpio_ir_recv as is. So i rewrite  complete driver
to use gpio as input for ir module using gpio with interrupt.

All is working well, i will make github repo but need to make some clean up before.

If some one is interested please drop me a mail.




would this also support TSOP1738 ? I think I have one ... I can test if wanted


it should as the driver is only based on signal receveid on the gpio pin. So any device should workd.
