Android resolution

Started by kathikis, February 20, 2014, 07:29:13 PM

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Hello all,

has anyone got an SD-Andoid image supporting resolutions 1024x768 or 1920x1080 available to share?
Trying to unpack the SD-Android image on the wiki to change script.bin file,but i have a lot of work to do still.Still a newbie.
Is it possible for an Android image to have multiple resolutions to choose?
I am using a LED monitor through HDMI.

Thanks in advance.


Good day,

If you can build the Android source then you can have whatever resolution you want as long as it's supported by the LCD driver.

You'll not have much luck unpacking the image and changing the script. A few of us have tried but it doesn't seem to work.

Android is not really designed to change the resolution on the fly and neither is the CPU itself. It has to be done during the boot cycle and is why there is a script file. Saying that, there is nothing to stop a change being made and then rebooting but you would need to gain access to the boot partition to write the modified script file and be sure that it gets read during the reboot. As I said, you can mount the partition and change it but it doesn't appear to work this way.

To build Android, you'll need a working Ubuntu Linux system, either native or running under a Virtual Machine. I run a virtual machine for this. It works very well.


Thanks Dave.
I am trying right now to build in Ubuntu.
Do you know if it is possible to create an image for A20 Olinuxino and have the option to switch between 2 resolutions?(if they r supported by the driver of course)

Thanks again.


Unless you can make your own boot loader, I doubt this is going to be possible as I see that this is handled by the closed source Allwinner boot loader.

You could try and mount the bootloader partition (dev/block/bootloader on SD and dev/block/nanda on NAND) and see if you can replace the script.bin on the fly and then tell the system to reboot. No idea if it will work but worth a try I guess.

As I said, some of us have tried to replace the existing script.bin manually with little success in getting it to read the values. Maybe LCD settings will though so worth a try.


Hello Dave,

tried your fex settings from here:
Image works nice on sd but i do not have ethernet enabled.
Can you help?
One more thing,which line should i choose to change resolution to 1024x768 using HDMI to connect to my LED monitor?I am trying to use A20 as a media center.

Thanks in advance.


I am not sure offhand what the settings are for HDMI at that resolution. A quick Google may be required.

As for Ethernet, I have not used it yet. It's on my list to do as wired Ethernet is part of my system specification.


Hi dave,

your provided downloads aren't online anymore. Can you reupload them maybe, please?

Thank you in advance. :)


Quote from: kathikis on March 04, 2014, 01:51:13 PM
Hello Dave,

tried your fex settings from here:
Image works nice on sd but i do not have ethernet enabled.

Quote from: stullukcd lichee
make ARCH=arm menuconfig
Go to Drivers/networking-> And enable Ethernet EMAC for sun7i
Save &exit
./ -p sun7i_android
cd ../android4.2
make -j8

And you will have Ethernet on Android settings, just enable it and it will get DHCP automatically in 10 seconds...

However, I think it still have some issue with power management, and when system enters SuperStandby state, EMAC GPIOs fails suddenly, I still couldn't figure out why...

I am not sure what happens if you disable SuperStandby by using sys_config.fex file that I mentioned above..

If I be able to fix it, I will let you know...


Quote from: stullukcd lichee
make ARCH=arm menuconfig
Go to Drivers/networking-> And enable Ethernet EMAC for sun7i
Save &exit
./ -p sun7i_android
cd ../android4.2
make -j8

I find that I need one extra cd to get this to work

cd linux-3.4

and then do the make ARCH=arm menuconfig line otherwise I get an error that method menuconfig is unknown.


Quote from: stullukcd lichee
And you will have Ethernet on Android settings, just enable it and it will get DHCP automatically in 10 seconds...

Thanks for that. Ethernet now works perfectly but I have noticed that if you have a GPRS modem plugged in, that Ethernet is not the default you. You have to ensure that GPRS modem is not plugged in when you enable Ethernet and then the routing table is correct and it works.

This is turning out to be a very nice little board. Now, if only I could get SMS receive to work, my setup would be complete. I can send SMS as many as I want as long as I don't get any received. :)
