Manual setting IP address to eth0 prevents loading X environment

Started by laskov, March 21, 2014, 03:56:14 PM

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Hi all,

If I set up eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces
Quoteauto eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static
LXDE does not load at startup. If I set eth0 to disabled (commented out) or to use DHCP, LXDE loads normally.

I would like to use static IP config. Can you help me to resolve this?
Thank you!


Hi laskov,

I think more information needs to be gathered to understand what is going on. When you use the static IP config, what exactly happens instead of X loading? Does the startup sequence hang? If so, at what point? Do you see "Configuring network interfaces..." in the startup messages? Are there any errors in the syslog?

Are you able to log in at the console? If so, you could check for network connectivity with ping, and try bringing up the interface manually with ifup to see if there are any errors.

Best wishes,



Hi Javier, Hi kathikis!

Yes, I have X pointer and I can move it.
I have network connectivity and can log in via ssh. I can run dmesg, ps (all) and I can see log files.

I consider to move IP config in /etc/rc.local . This way they will be executed at the end of booting. PS: Yes, this works.


Hi Laskov,

it happened to me as well.
Log in the original Debian image,logout and log as root.
Try dhclient eth0,then get the IP assigned and edit /etc/network/interfaces with this IP.Restart and it works.
I am not sure why,but it worked this way for me.When i tried editing /etc/network/interfaces without dhclient eth0 first it wouldnt load the X environment at boot.