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I can't make nRF8001 work.

Started by Jerem-AL, March 26, 2014, 02:16:33 PM

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I try to run the nRF8001 chip available on your site.
I have tried around with the library from Nordic Semiconductor, but the chip sent me an event "Unknown Command" when I called the "echo" command.
I then tried with your library, but I no longer getting any message at startup.

There is the pins used for the nRF8001:
1(Vin): 3.3V
2(Gnd): Gnd
3(Rst): D4
4(RX): D1
5(TX): D0
6(SCK): D15
7(Reqn): D10
8(MOSI): D16
9(MISO): D14
10(Rdy): D3
11(Active): D5
The source code is the demo that you deliver with the library, I just added some debug information.

And this is the pins in pins_arduino.h

SDA = 10;
SCL = 4;
SS   = 3;
MOSI = 16;
MISO = 14;
SCK  = 15;

Thank you for the time you can spend on this problem.

Have a nice day.

Jeremy Lefevre

IDE Arduino 1.5.5
Windows 8.1