Board's consumption

Started by otyugh, August 24, 2014, 01:54:20 AM

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I'm looking after some precise measurment of the olinuxino board.

I did myself this one I wanted to share (every device mesured here is from olimex) ;
I can't say I did that "the perfect way". I just played a bit around and took the "big picture" of it.
A20micro - debian :
>adaptator : 0.4W
>board shut : 0.5W (or 0.9W with adaptator)
>board 0% CPU : 3.3W (or 3.7W with adaptator)
>board 100% CPU : 5.7W (or 6.1W with adaptator)
>HDD 2.5" : 1.9W
>ethernet : 0.8W
>mouse & keyboard : ~ 0.1W

Does it match what your thinking was ?

As I'm concerned about theses stuff, I would be really glad to have more review on the power consumption of olimex's products (olinuxinos first !).


Your measurements - did you use exactly 12VDC or some other Vin?


I was using the 12V power adapter from olinuxino (the non-chinese version please !) ;)


Can you measure with 10Mb and 100Mb Ethernet ?

ethtool -s ${ETH_IF} autoneg off speed 10 #To enable 10Mb
ethtool -s ${ETH_IF} autoneg on speed 100 #To revert back to 100Mbit