LCD7"... Almost dead.

Started by otyugh, October 06, 2014, 11:20:47 PM

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first and all I must say it's all my fault, not a problem from olimex or wathever, it's just an olimex product I messed up accidentaly, an I wonder If I could save it from trash.

The 7" LCD screen :

You see the white code bar on the image on a sort of "cable" ? I did a little hole in it (a screw was left in the box where I planed to set up my new "laptop"...).

Basically the screen just display random colors now. When I push on the cable, I eventually get a correct display for a very little time.
Now, I wonder. What can I do ? Is that "cable" replacable ? A fix could be possible ?

In any case, if you have broken a similar screen walking on it (or wathever), I'm really interested buying that particuliar cable.


You won't get a separate cable for that; it's an integral part of the LCD.

But you could save some money and just replace the LCD itself.  I haven't got one of the Olimex LCD modules any more so I can't verify this, but I think the LCD itself is an Innolux module number AT070TN90 or AT070TN92 - I think it says on the LCD cable itself.  ebay or aliexpress are reasonably good sources for cheap replacements.


Hey !
Thanks you a lot for the tip, I wouldn't have figured it out by myself ^^

On the cable it's written "000938-00". I don't think it's too crucial ; lot models are said AT070TN92-AT070TN90 compatible.

Yet, thanks a lot.