External access to recover and power buttons

Started by dave-at-axon, January 06, 2014, 06:02:34 AM

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I have poured over the schematics and documents for the A20 and there is no external access to the power and recovery buttons.

As I plan to build the A20 into an enclosure I needed access to these externally. For now I will have to solder wires to the power and recovery buttons to be able to use them from the front panel. It would be nice if these could be made available on a header in a future revision of the PCB?


I have the same problem, I was fully expecting the power-button to be available somewhere, and was really hoping not to have to solder on the board, but I guess I now have to...

This should really be fixed in a future revision!


I'll second this for adding external access, especially for the power button. Recovery too but not so critical.

I have had to solder a wire to the power button so I could connect it to the front panel.


