A20-LIME2 doesn't boot any more

Started by Kartxila, October 21, 2014, 09:47:42 AM

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On my A20-Lime2 (without NAND), I was trying to use GPIOs for the first time and while I was reading Wiki and I've lost the connection on SSH, now the board doesn't boot any more...

The red led is on, the green led doesn't light up...

What can I do ?



Did you tried to flash one more time yours SD card?

Do you have any output on DEBUG UART or HDIM? In A20-LIME images created by Olimex, this additional led is used by kernel to signalize board working or Ethernet connection.



I've tried to flash again my SD card with a Debian image by Olimex, problem still present... Output to HDMI, no signal.

Any idea ?