Need Howto for Debian-image with Kernel 3.4.90 A20 Micro

Started by gustav, December 22, 2014, 01:33:18 PM

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Hello everybody,

I saw today that there is a new image for the A20 micro, named release 10.
At the moment nobody is hosting the release.

The last Howto for building an image was for release 7 with the old kernel. Will there be a new howto for the new kernel?

What I want is an image which supports all parts from the board and hidraw compiled in the kernel. I tried the jessie-image from here, but there I have problems getting the Touchscreen to work. But hidraw works.

So will there be a new howto or is hidraw compiled in the new image?
And will somebody host the new image?


EDIT: now the instructions can be found here. Thanks Olimex - now I have something to do during the free days.