Unable to see startup log on minicom

Started by gurpartap, September 23, 2015, 09:30:02 AM

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I put latest debian image in sd card for A20-micro-4gb board. I connected serial cable to uart0 pins tx,rx and gnd. I am able to see some characters on board startup which are unreadable. Please suggest me solution.
Cable is working on other board from phytec perfectly.



And is the Minicom configuration, you should disable the Hardware Flow Control and enable the Software Flow Control (because you cannot do hardware flow control with just two wires and ground :-) ).


I am using BAFO USB to SERIAL CONVERTER which uses RS232 level signals but A20 uses 3.3v ttl signals for Uart0.I think this is the problem.I can see characters but in unrecognised format.

I am not using cable supplied by Olimex.


Quote from: gurpartap on September 24, 2015, 01:41:13 PM
I am using BAFO USB to SERIAL CONVERTER which uses RS232 level signals but A20 uses 3.3v ttl signals for Uart0.I think this is the problem.I can see characters but in unrecognised format.
If you use USB to RS-232 converter, you can destroy UART of A20. Of course, signal format of RS-232 and UART are not equal
also, what about baud rate?


Quote from: gurpartap on September 24, 2015, 01:41:13 PM
I am using BAFO USB to SERIAL CONVERTER which uses RS232 level signals but A20 uses 3.3v ttl signals for Uart0.I think this is the problem.I can see characters but in unrecognised format.

I am not using cable supplied by Olimex.

Then you need something like this between your converter and the A20
