A20-LIME2-ANDROID-SD card from Olimex

Started by Franschua, June 19, 2016, 08:24:13 PM

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I ordered and receive an A20-OLinuXIno-LIME2-4GB with the A20-LIME2-ANDROID-SD card. When I insert the card and power the board the green LED light on the board comes on and stay on for a period of time and then it blinks off and stay on again. I do not see any image on my screen which is connected to the HDMI. What can be wrong and what do I have to do?

I know the board is working as I manage to build a the Vanilla kernel sd card from http://www.armbian.com/olimex-lime-2/ I then try to change it to the Legacy kernel, now I cannot get any of them working.


Check your power supply. Use at least 5V/2A (10W) or try a different one.


you wasted your monies like me with the android card. when you buy the 4gb nand, it has android already on it. you buy the debian card, and just take the card out and itll boot droid 8)