March 11, 2025, 07:03:53 AM for Eclipse ?

Started by anotherbrick, November 05, 2012, 12:48:22 PM

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I have downloaded this demo however in readme.txt it says

QuoteIn order to work you must program with J-Link 7.0 and IAR for ARM 6.30 or newer

1) is there an Eclipse version of this demo ?
how can I compile this demo in Eclipse ?

2) there is an RX TX pin avaliable on STM32-E407 board
are these pins RS232 signal levels or do I have to add MAX232 chip ?


Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hello LubOlimex ,

first of all thank you for the answer

I have run blink-led demo already , I compiled and downloaded into E407 and run , this is OK


I bought this board for the ethernet functionality

I need a simple ECLIPSE demo for using ethernet functions

the in STM32-E407 webpage - README says it is for IAR - I have no IAR , I have downloaded Olimex Eclipse



Hey anotherbrick,

You can download and use an evaluation version of IAR EW for ARM for 30 days. It requires only registration at their web site. Having a look at the code in IAR I believe will help you a lot, and you can then adjust it for the Eclipse.

A good idea is to look at the original libraries released by STMicroelectronics in the official STM32Fxx web pages.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex



Anyone have a simple example (like blink led) in Eclipse for Olimex board STM32-E407.

thank you! :)


hello chelox,

if you download OLIMEX-ODS ( eclipse + yagarto )

there is an blink led demo for the E407 board
