July 17, 2024, 01:28:07 PM

MOD-IO2 relay opening/closing time

Started by ilario, May 23, 2024, 07:30:46 PM

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Is there an estimation of how much is the expected time (milliseconds?) between sending the I2C command for opening/closing the relays and the actual opening/closing?

I am using the relays as part of a measurement system, and I got the doubt I should wait some (how much?) time between changing the relay status via I2C and actually starting a measurement.



We haven't measured it but some minimal delay is expected until the command is recognized by the PIC that issues the trigger. Best idea is to test empirically with small delay and increasing if necessary.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


I did a rough measurement which could be biased due to other contributions, but it looks like the time needed for changing the relay status is around 20 ms (between when I send the I2C command for changing status and when I can reliably measure that the change happened).