ESP32-SBC-FabGL UEXT RS232 example

Started by halfbyte, June 20, 2024, 04:05:30 PM

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I would love to use my new FabGL thingie as an actual Terminal. I've bought an UEXT RS232 Adapter and now have tried to compile the AnsiTerminal example with the Olimex port of FABGL in Arduino and that works, but if I understand the way the UEXT port is driven it's not like the UART from the ESP32 is directly exposed on UEXT but only on the Access Bus 1 (As seen on the Blog post with the 6502 computer). I assume that there is probably a way to use the UEXT UART from FabGL but I have no idea how that would work and I don't really understand the CH32V003 API enough to make that work. Does anyone have any example code for that? If not, would someone from Olimex or someone else with experience with the CH32V003 be able to collaborate with me on this?

half/byte - greybeard in training - always &0x0F