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GPS commands

Started by .Costin, March 22, 2013, 12:30:50 PM

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Hi, does anyone worked with the MOD-GPS sending commands to it? Mine is connected to a MEGA 2560 on Serial 1,I'm receiveing all the messages quite correct. But I want to reduce the ammount of serial interrupts , therefore I want to select only the message I need..Any command I send, in NMEA format, it doesn't recognize it...I'd tried with Serial1.print,Serial1.println,even with Serial1.write...No results..Is there a particular syntax to use with this module ?


Hey Costin,

Maybe you stumbled upon the command set but still this is it: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Modules/GPS/MOD-GPS/resources/MOD-GPS-MTK-NMEA.pdf.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hi again...You was right.. :)..Becouse of the lack of the chipset info here on the distributor's site , I was desperatelly trying to send commands for another chipset, not Mediatek...Now it works like a charm with Serial1.println... :)Thanks again...By the way which is the maximum capacity for a LiPo attached to a Olimexino328?

Best regards,


Hey again,

It is recommended to use batteries that fully charged don't go over 4.4V.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex