July 27, 2024, 09:35:49 PM

Olimexino STM32 rev. E

Started by randy, June 17, 2013, 09:05:08 PM

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I just bought a Olimexino STM32 revision E by Antratek in the Netherlands.
I cannot find no information on your site about this revision. I also cannot use
the Maple IDE (Windows 7) to download programs in this board which has great specification.
Can you give me advise which will sure work, for instance the SWD interface with
or Jtag. Do you sell this or do I have to buy it for instance from Segger.



Hey randy,

Did you follow the instructions here: http://www.olimex.dev/Products/Duino/STM32/OLIMEXINO-STM32/resources/Olimexino-STM32_Installation.pdf?

Of course the board might be used as a general purpose STM32 board. The thing is it uses the small JTAG/SWD 10-pin connector so you would probably need a small adapter cable like this one: https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/JTAG/ARM-JTAG-20-10/. Any STM32 Cortex compatible debugger plus the linked adapter would work.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex



I also have Olimexino-STM32 Rev. E. I'm wondering what changes have been made to the schematic or layout since rev. D, which is the last one documented.



Hello Chris,

There are only 2 minor optimizations that doesn't affect any behavior in particular:

1. R18 gets changed from 3k/1% to 3.01k/1%
2. C15(tant 47uF/6.3V) is now replaced by two capacitors 22uF/6.3V0603

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex