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Ethernet + IP

Started by Zeus, November 01, 2013, 05:41:39 AM

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I have no experience with Maple, but I'm planning to use STM32 for my project - which, if successful, will result in a small-scale production. It has nearly perfect specs for me, particularly its built-in CAN.

The only fundamental problem I have is adding Ethernet to it. As I understand, the UEXT Ethernet modules that Olimex sells are mostly meant to be used with PIC controllers. If I use one of them on STM32, I would have to develop (or port) the whole IP stack. Too tough.

The direction I'm looking at is a module based on Wiznet W5200 chip, which has integrated IP stack. Arduino has a shield based on an older model (W5100) with all the libraries (though newer shields on W5200 seem to be available too). However, my understanding is that these shields won't work on Maple, at least because they require 5V.

So, generally, what would be the easiest way to add TCP/UDP/IP connectivity to STM32? Could you advise?


Hey Zeus,

The best idea would be to search for Maple Ethernet solutions in Maple IDE's forums.

For instance, check this thread that has links to a demo with w5200 or w5100 support:


Library: https://bitbucket.org/dinau/ethernetmaple

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thanks Lub, I'll probably try this solution.

I've seen that thread before, but thought the guys had somewhat mixed results; so I wondered whether there was a newer solution since then (perhaps, a ready-made shield like for Arduino...


Quote from: farlane on November 16, 2013, 09:22:05 AM
Have you seen this excellent board? https://www.olimex.com/Products/ARM/ST/STM32-E407/open-source-hardware

Well, yes, I was considering something like this - after realising that the Olimexino STM32 has fundamental problems with using USB and CAN simultaneously (due to limitations of the STM32F1xx chip). However, the nice thing about Olimexino is that it has a CAN transceiver built-in, so that I could use it as is. The E407 would need some modification - which is fine for prototyping but not for production. Still, I'll probably try it, given that it's open design....


If you want to use USB and CAN together you need a STM32 from their connectivity line, the F2 series. The CAN peripheral just needs a transceiver and you would be ready to go.