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MSP430 JTAG Debugger

Started by yashvant, November 27, 2013, 01:09:30 PM

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Hello Everyone,
I am using Olimex Mod Pulse Developement bopard which contain MSP430FG439.
Now I have designed MSP430-JTAG  LPT Debugger as given in the schematic, But it is not working properly.
For programming I am using IAR Embedded Workbench5.60.3.
Please let me know if this debugger support MSP430FG439 IC or not.
Thank You.


Hey there,

The latest drivers for MSP430-JTAG (version have support for MSP430FG439. Direct link to the last drivers for MSP430-JTAG: https://www.olimex.com/Products/MSP430/JTAG/_resources/OLIMEX-MSP430-DLL-drivers-1.042.zip.

I recommend you to test with our programmer before testing with IAR: https://www.olimex.com/Products/MSP430/JTAG/_resources/MSP_PROG_GUI_1.3.0.4_CLI_2.0.1.2_DLL_1.0.4.2.zip. There is explanation inside how to add new devices to the drop down menu.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


But IAR does not generate .hex, .bin or .txt fiels, so how could we program it using Olimex MSP430 Programmer?



IAR can generate hex if you choose the additional output.

HOWEVER, you can program/debug directly from IAR with TINY-V2. Just you need to place the proper version dlls (from this driver package: https://www.olimex.com/Products/MSP430/JTAG/MSP430-JTAG-TINY-V2/resources/OLIMEX_MSP430-DLL_drivers.zip)in the IAR folder. The default location to place the .dll for IAR EW for MSP is \IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench x.x\430\bin.

After that in the project options choose either the Olimex debugger or the TI FET debugger. Remember to set the interface to JTAG. See below:

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex