Why i don't see anything?

Started by c_peri, December 20, 2013, 11:24:40 AM

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hi all, recently i received my Olinuxino A20 nand and I tried it connecting to the monitor, both with VGA cable interface and with HDMI cable, but It doesn't transmit anything to the monitor.
I connect the board to a 13V power supply and the red led switch on, after few seconds also the green one switch off, but nothing more happened.
What can be the reason?
thank you to all.


Try with another microSD card (or rewrite the current one)- the green LED shouldn't swith off by itself.
Also, don't expect anything on the HDMI (at least in my case nothing was shown on the TV). Having the usb2uart cable is the best way to investigate.

Edit. just saw that you're with the nand memory version - try to re-flash it.


I am sorry, but there was a mistake, the green led doesn't switch off, but ON few seconds after the red one! sorry
i have both, nand and micro sd, but I don't know how to re-flash it. where can I found a tutorial?


In general you have couple of options: Android (on microSD card or using the nand memory) or Debian (on microSD card).

You can find the oficial image files and how to use them here:

As far as I know, you already have android on the nand memory. But I'm not sure I if the display will work out-of-the-box without any configuration from your side. I have the same board but without the nand, and there was no output on the screen (I've tried HDMI only with both images - Debian and Android). In the end I bought this cable in order too see what's going on and configure the device: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Components/Cables/USB-Serial-Cable/USB-Serial-Cable-F/