MOD-ZIGBEE - not sure if layer 8 problem or just not working as intended

Started by momu, January 01, 2014, 11:18:47 PM

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I finally managed to get an A20 Board and a MOD-ZIGBEE-UEXT and MOD-ZIGBEE module.Now I wanted to use the UEXT one with my A20 but did not manage to communicate over the UART with the ZIGBEE module (i2c did work somehow and I got some values).

So I used a Bus Pirate to see if there UART-activity from the MOD-ZIGBEE module, but there where none. I also tried a Logic Sniffer and didn't see anything too.

So it could be that I can't use my tools in a proper way or the modules are just not printing anything over the UART when powered up.

So am I right that the settings are 19200 8N1 and I should see some activity on UEXT pin 4 and on pin 17 TX/RC6 on the non UEXT version (to be safe I also looked at pin 3 - RX/RC&)? At least from the firmware code (end device version) I understand that something is printed using printf even if no connection is established.

If I power up the modules the green led starts lighting for a while and then stops. So something is working ;-)

Second question is: is there a easy way to download the demo hex files via command line to the modules (I have the PIC-KIT3, Linux and MPLAB X and XC8 installed) without using the MPLAB X IDE?



Hey momu,

I believe we are discussing this subject over the e-mail. Please if I have helped you or you have made progress keep this thread also updated.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hi Lub,

thanks for the answers. I did not make any progress - but only 'cause I had not enough time ;-)

I just post part of the support mails here (hope that's ok):
MPLAB IDE and MPLABX IDE allow easy flashing of the PIC boards with
hex files via GUI. In MPLABX there is even a stand-alone application
called MPLAB IPE.

I believe there was a command line tool for PIC-KIT3 that was supported
in older MPLABs (8.xx). "PK3CMD" was located in the utility folder in
MPLAB installation folders. In MPLABX the command line tools are located
usually in C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX\gnuBins\GnuWin32\bin.
Please refer to this thread from the official Microchip forums for more
information on the command line interface in the MPLABX: Additionally, both the
user's manual fro MPLAB and the manual for MPLABX detail the usage of
the command line interface.

Second thing is that I should see some output on the UART of the module. Within the next few days I will investigate with an oscilloscope,so I will not have to mess around with UART settings.

I keep the thread updated.
