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MOD-WIFI and some I2C on same line

Started by Arko, January 29, 2014, 02:41:29 PM

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Hi guys,

After some research I found that we can put at most one RS232, one SPI, and multiple I2C on the same UEXT line. Am I right?

But what about the MOD-WIFI Module? In its schematics it seem to use, or be connected to, all UEXT pins. Not only the SPI but also the RS and I2C.
Can we then use a UEXTx5 splitter to connect one MOD-WIFI and one or more I2C modules?

My specific targeted setup is to use a Olimexino-32U4 with one MOD-WIFI, one MOD-IO2 and one MOD-RTC on the same UEXT. Does that sound ok?

Thank you!


Hey Arko,

After some research I found that we can put at most one RS232, one SPI, and multiple I2C on the same UEXT line. Am I right?


But what about the MOD-WIFI Module? In its schematics it seem to use, or be connected to, all UEXT pins. Not only the SPI but also the RS and I2C.
Can we then use a UEXTx5 splitter to connect one MOD-WIFI and one or more I2C modules?

No. MOD-WIFI uses SPI + two extra signals for interrupt and reset which are not I2C. While it can fit UEXT connectors the board needs more than SPI.

My specific targeted setup is to use a Olimexino-32U4 with one MOD-WIFI, one MOD-IO2 and one MOD-RTC on the same UEXT. Does that sound ok?

The WIFI module might be problematic. WIFI is generally not that easy to handle. OLIMEXINO-32u4 is not a bad board but it lacks the computing power for proper Ethernet or WIFI connection. I recommend you to first check the examples for the board and then make your choice.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thank you for your answer Lub!

All clear, MOD-WIFI needs more than the SPI pins on the UEXT connector.

I'll check out the examples for implementation and see if it fits the 32U4 (my needs are really simple: small JSON response to an HTTP request).

If not, I might ramp up to the 328(Edit: same memory, less features. Doh!) or look at PIC32 solutions, but that's another platform...

Best regards