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Started by digitalhack, January 04, 2015, 05:00:10 AM

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I am not sure that if anyone else has run into this but the links under Software on the product page below don't appear to go anywhere.

There are excellent resources on all three of the listed topics on the ESP8266 Community Forum wiki at:


I found these resources very helpful in setting my environment to work with this product.

I have documented my hardware and software setup at:


and would appreciate any feedback.




Yes I also noticed the links don't lead anywhere..

But I have a gripe about the board as it's designed right now.

There are a lot of pins broken out on the 2.54mm pitch holes and castellated edges. This is wonderful. However one of the most important pins - GPIO0 - is not! We need access to this pin to update the firmware.

The board comes with AT command firmware which is fine. I have successfully used it to log on to my Wifi and send UDP packets to my server. Now I want to put NodeMCU LUA firmware on it.. but I need to desolder and solder pads to do that? Then reverse the work back to the original configuration to see if my programming worked??

I don't think that's very nice for a DEVELOPMENT board. Now I need to modify my board immediately to add some kind of switch.

I strongly recommend that you introduce a jumper block for the next revision - quickly.. :o


Haha ok I'm an idiot.

To reflash the board, just pull pin 21 to GND, it has a 2K pullup to Vcc with the default "jumper pad" soldering but it looks like there's no problem pulling it down and going from FLASH to UART mode.

Note to self, next time read the circuit diagram before 2am.

Note to OLIMEX... update https://www.olimex.com/Products/Modules/Ethernet/MOD-WIFI-ESP8266-DEV/resources/MOD-WIFI-ESP8266-DEV_jumper_reference.pdf to include this information. Your product is not bad after all but that document makes it look like the board was designed by a drunk monkey :)
