UART0 - Debug Interface

Started by Kampi, February 13, 2014, 11:32:11 AM

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Hello Guys,

i´m new with the A20 Board and I want to use the 4-pin Header on top of the Board to connect a Sensor on it.
But everytime the Sensor is connected the Board doesn´t boot, because of the Debug Interface.
Is there any way to disable the Interface, so I can use that UART like the UART on the UEXTx Connectors?

Thank you for an Answer!



that isn't so easy.

UBoot, the bootloader, outputs to the UART0 and reads from it.
Then the kernel does earlyprintk to it.
Then the kernel does normal printk to it.
And then /etc/inittab opens a getty on it.

See for kernel arguments, though.

Why not use UEXT instead?