July 11, 2024, 02:24:47 AM


Started by morykeys, July 13, 2014, 07:33:20 PM

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I have a question about MOD-mrf24j40 :
this module,are these IC's registers loaded or I should load codes in the registers with spi?(in other words is this IC initialized?)
would you please tell me how can I reach registers of this IC? because in data sheet there's no code that master sends (via miso) and slave send back to master (via mosi)
for example i wanna load "REGISTER 6-1: RXMCR: RECEIVE FILTER CONTROL REGISTER" with some codes,what code should i send to reach this register


ICs almost always need their registers set up as per the datasheet.

The Olimex product page has some help e.g. gives a RAR file and says Pinguino has examples.  If you don't want to work direct from the chip datasheet you may as well use the examples.



thank you sir for your fast response
and if i buy this module i don't have to set up registers and just using spi to send data between two module


please answer my question and then i have no other question
if i buy this module i don't have to set up registers and just using spi to send data between two module? i don't think so
I think I have to set up registers before using the mudole
please tell what i have to do


Follow the datasheet and sample software.
